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Jerome knew that he wanted to help young people pursue higher education, and he set an example and environment for them to be the best. He believed in education, he knew, that it is not how you start but how you finish, and when you obtain your credentials, you can accomplish anything. Jerome strived to provide encouragement and financial assistance to young people, and he was known for telling people around him, both young and old “You are great!”


He adamantly believed that we all have greatness inside of us and he never hesitated to express this in every aspect of his life. What Jerome started will now be continued by the Jerome Henry Foundation.


Jerome Llewlyn Henry (Campbell) affectionately known as “Rick or Diver” was a great man, who sadly passed away in April 2011 after a short battle with cancer.


He was born and raised in St. Mary, Jamaica, educated both in Jamaica and Canada, and became a professional accountant after obtaining his Certified General Accountant’s designation in 1992.


Jerome was a natural leader and had a successful career as a Senior Audit Manager with Scotiabank for

30 years. In his role as Senior Audit Manager, Jerome had the opportunity to travel extensively and led a team of associates that performed audits at Scotiabank’s all throughout the Caribbean. He cherished those trips and the camaraderie he developed with his close-knit team, and his team honoured him with a conference boardroom dedicated in his name.

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Jerome displayed these characteristics of leadership and mentorship at an early age. A leader on and off the playing field, he captained his cricket team, basketball team, and, of course, his beloved soccer team.  He was very instrumental in the growth and success of Magic Athletic Club and eventually became president. 


Magic Athletic Club is an organization that was near and dear to Jerome’s heart and provided the West Indian community with men’s and women’s soccer and netball teams as well as annual events for the community. 


“Remembering Greatness, Inspiring Greatness”


The JHF committee was formed in 2011 after the passing of the late Jerome Henry. It consists of 10 family members who were inspired to carry on the legacy of a phenomenal man. The JHF committee is guided by Jerome’s core values and his belief that education is a major key to success. The JHF committee strives to enhance the educational opportunities of young people and inspire individual greatness in the next generation of leaders.

The JHF committee was formed in 2011 after the passing of the late Jerome Henry. It consists of 10 family members who were inspired to carry on the legacy of a phenomenal man. The JHF committee is guided by Jerome’s core values and his belief that education is a major key to success. The JHF committee strives to enhance the educational opportunities of young people and inspire individual greatness in the next generation of leaders.


Cheryl is a professional certified accountant, CGA, with 35 years of commodity tax experience. She hasvolunteered on various boards for the past 30 years. These included board of director positions for 6 years with Womens Health in Womens Hands, community health centre and 3 years with Juilettes Place womens shelter, and 20 years as an executive committee member with Magic Athletic Club.Cheryl spends her spare time playing golf and travelling.

Cheryl Henry


Angela is an entrepreneur who has successfully run an independent pharmacy for 15 years. Prior to that, she held several positions as a healthcare administrator. Angela was an elite-level gymnast when she was younger and was one of the first black women to compete on the University of Michigan women’s gymnastics team. 

Angela holds a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and a Masters in Health Care Administration from the University of Michigan.

Angela Lawson


Isaac Henry is a customer service representative with over 25 years experience in various industrysectors. He has volunteered 15 plus years as a Regional level soccer Coach and Trainer providing eliteathletes athletic excellence. Isaac spends his spare time playing soccer and meditating to the sweetsounds of music.

Isaac Henry


Junior Newson


Morris is a founding member of a men’s organization that advocates for men’s health and wellness. The organization provides a safe environment for learning and discussion on men’s issues. Morris is a certified electrician and enjoys playing music.

Morris Henry


Active committee member tasked with overseeing fundraising and donations.  I have over 20 years of experience working in both Residential and Commercial construction sectors.  One of my greatest professional accomplishments was managing a large development site that finished ahead of schedule and within budget (rarely happens in the construction industry). In my spare time, I enjoy soccer, skiing and landscaping.

Daniel Walsh

​Shivonne Fenty is a committee member of the Jerome Henry Foundation, an organization dedicated to providing scholarships to the underserved youth in the GTHA. She is a passionate educator in Torontowho has high expectations for all her students. Ms. Fenty holds a Bachelor of Arts, Hons. from York University, Ontario and a Bachelor of Education, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto.

Shivonne Fenty


Allando is an active volunteer with various community organizations. He has dedicated himself to mentoring and developing young people, leading the next generation to achieve excellence. Allando is a former professional soccer player, having played in Toronto, USA, Jamaica and Australia. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Connecticut. In his spare time, Allando enjoys playing music.

Allando Matheson


Tyrone Henry


Brandy Dawn Henry, daughter of Jerome Henry, is a seasoned education professional who has a passion for inspiring young people to reach their highest potential.  She holds a Master’s Degree in Education, specializing in curriculum development.  As a founding member of the Jerome Henry Foundation, she has enjoyed playing a variety of roles on the Executive Committee over the past decade. She is currently co-chair of the Scholarship Committee and an Event Co-ordinator for the Annual JHF Gala.

Brandy Dawn Henry

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